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Member Conference 2024 - A deep dive into ethics in tech

科技伦理是十大网博靠谱平台数字公司年度会员大会的主题, which took place at Bruntwood’s No.1 Circle Square on Thursday 20th June 2024. The event was sponsored by GlobalLogic, Manchester Metropolitan University and Bruntwood SciTech

医学博士凯蒂·加拉格尔(Katie Gallagher)欢迎十大网博靠谱平台数字公司的成员参加会议, which also included the members AGM. 

Thomas Shipley, Engineering Manager at GlobalLogic, 论述了可持续价值创造及其伦理优势. He explained that while technology moves fast, organisations move slowly, so it’s impossible to keep ahead of tech. “从整体和道德角度考虑,以决定采用哪种技术. 道德和可持续的实践是竞争优势的来源.”

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司和汽车贸易公司宣布,他们正在为科技行业制定一项新的碳素养计划. 这是一个小组讨论的主题,其中包括:娜塔莉亚·菲普斯, Head of Advocacy and Ravi Vekaria, Digital and Tech Sector Coordinator, both from the Carbon Literacy Project, Ellie Powell, Community Executive at Manchester Digital and David Williams, Principle Developer at Auto Trader. 

埃莉说:“十大网博靠谱平台数字公司很幸运,因为我们与整个行业的企业都有很好的关系, as a membership organisation, and sustainability is really important to our members. 当我们听说碳素养信托基金时,我们认为这是理所当然的. 开发工具包是企业与客户和员工分享以产生更广泛影响的重要第一步.”

我们还听取了由Lisa Talia Moretti主持的题为“关注经济伦理检查上瘾产品设计”的小组讨论, Digital Sociologist (User Research Principal), from AND Digital, Liv Bradbury, Analyst from Deloitte, Jemma Twigg, UX Designer at AJ Bell and Andy Tebb, head of engineering centre, from GlobalLogic.  

The discussion centred around dark patterns, which is used to make tech, such as social media apps, addictive and exploit psychological vulnerabilities. Jemma said, “让自己了解什么是黑暗模式是很好的,这样你就不会在不知不觉中被说服去使用它们. The developer of unlimited scroll says that he now regrets it.”

安迪补充说,道德准则对企业来说非常重要, 但最终你还是要和其他可能没有同样道德规范的企业竞争. Liv believed that current regulations were not enough, and all agreed that other industries, such as finance, were more heavily regulated and this did not stifle creativity. 



James Crawley, Enterprise Fellow, 向我们讲述了他在支持企业创新和增长方面的工作. 他说:“创新不仅仅是技术,创新需要市场主导.”  James talked us through a number of theories around innovation, and ended with the invaluable advice, ‘Work on your business, not in it.”

Studio 2: "AI, the Proof of Concept era and barriers to overcome (including AI Assurance)" - Naimuri

Dr Phininder Balaghan, Global AI Capability Lead at Naimuri, led an engaging session that explained what AI is, 企业如何利用它进行创新(“让人工智能和创新取得成功, we must work collaboratively. For AI and Innovation to succeed, we must work collaboratively“), 可怕的死亡之谷(在创新和运营之间), and finally the importance of AI assurance, 结论是:“当涉及到人工智能时,保证应该放在你做任何事情的首位.”

工作室1 -“使用它或失去它:DRCF人工智能和数字中心试点如何帮助你充满信心地创新”- DRCF 

Sarah Meyers, Group Manager and Euan Burke, Principal Policy Advisor, 来自数字监管合作论坛(DRCF)人工智能和数字中心, talked us through their service, 这是英国四个主要监管机构的合作. 他们提供建议,以增强创新者将人工智能产品或服务推向市场的信心. Sarah explained, “我们希望确保英国成为最适合开展业务的创新环境之一.”

工作室2 -“网页可访问性——它是什么以及为什么它很重要”- Code Computerlove

Alex Clapperton, Code Computerlove的高级前端开发人员讨论了我们所说的可访问性(使你的网站被尽可能多的人使用的做法)以及我们为什么应该这样做, suggesting because it’s the right thing to do, it improves SEO, and importantly, because it’s the law! Alex还为开发人员提供了一些建议,以帮助他们使网站更易于访问, including using semantic HTML, using ARIA (but used well!),使用工具来测试你所构建的内容,并在过程的每个阶段与设计师合作.

Studio 1 - "Can we deploy AI safely?" - Fuzzy Labs

Matt Squire, CTO at Fuzzy Labs, 就企业如何安全地使用人工智能做了一个非常有趣的演讲, and a number of different ways to think it through. 他问工程师在部署他们的人工智能产品时有什么注意义务, and how to make them safe, 并为最终用户和供应商介绍安全功能. 

他给出了一个案例研究,使用大型语言模型来创建心理健康服务, and gave examples of what issues could arise, such as giving out wrong information accidentally, or even with malicious intent. 

Studio 2 - "Gender & 生成人工智能:基于文本的生成人工智能工具中的性别偏见调查”- 6point6

For the final session in Studio 2, Isobel Daley, Associate Director - AI at 6point6, 分享了她在基于文本的生成式人工智能中的性别偏见研究的有趣结果, and what we can do to fix it. 很少有人研究为什么基于文本的工具会表现出性别偏见, 但考虑到性别偏见背后的社会原因,这并不奇怪, the significant gender data gap, 性别刻板印象的普遍存在以及科技行业性别多样性的缺乏. Isobel explained, “生成式人工智能中的性别偏见很重要,因为有偏见的产出会影响社会, reinforce harmful stereotypes and distort the truth”.

In terms of what we can do, 伊泽贝尔建议解决症状只是一个短期的解决办法, and we must address the causes.

Thanks again to all of our event partners and fantastic speakers.

我们的会员会议仅由十大网博靠谱平台数字会员参加. If you'd like to join the community, find out more here.

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